Nothing But Torch

By: Thomas R. Hildreth

At this point of working at Regency, I was beginning to actually train on the skills I though I'd be working on right off the rip. Looking back it makes sense as to why I started where I did, however I did not notice nor appreciate that at the ti..

Moving Day By Day

By: Thomas R. Hildreth

There's a lot that gets done in an entire month of work. Sometimes it may feel like you are getting very little done, but that may just be because when you're work is basically just learning, it looks a little different from what you end up d..

Starting In A New Trade

By: Thomas R. Hildreth

I find that getting into a new line of work is always a bit jarring. Not only in how one's schedule changes, but in re-learning everything you need to know again. Everything from the new workflow, to learning about the company that you work for a..